Unikt persisk patchwork tæppe 194 x 194 størrelse cm.
Vores persiske patchwork tæpper er lavet af semi-antikke, 100% håndlavede persiske tæpper. De enkelte stykker er omhyggeligt udvalgt og vævet sammen af mindre vinatge -tæpper i alderen 20 til 50 år.
De orientalske patchwork tæpper i vores samling opfylder de højeste standarder. Lappetæpper harmonerer vidunderligt med vintage tæpper og afrunder dit interiør med et unikt look.
I vores online butik kan du købe tæpper af høj kvalitet til garanterede bedste priser. Vi giver vores EU-kunder gratis forsendelse og en 30-dages pengene-tilbage-garanti. For hvert tæppe finder du en video med en detaljeret beskrivelse af hvert enkelt stykke. Efter anmodning via WhatsApp sender vi også gerne en video, der er optaget specielt for dig pr. Kunde. Derudover kan vores kunder besøge os i vores showrooms i Berlin, Hamborg og Barcelona.
Vi sælger hurtigt! 30.000 kunder over hele verden!
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What are customised carpets?
Customised carpets are altered from larger size carpets.
Can I request a carpet to be customised to another size?
Yes, please get in touch with us with your special size requirement.
Why does carpet in the video look different?
The video is of the original carpet that we will customise. The picture shows how the carpet will look after customisation.
How exact will be the final sizes of the customised carpet?
The final sizes can be 3 to 5cm bigger or smaller.
How good will be the condition of a customised carpet?
We are handmade carpet specialists. Our team will complete the task to the highest standards.
About ten days. The work starts after we have received payment.
Is there a money-back guarantee for customised carpets?
Once we start to cut the carpet, we can not accept returns.
Can you customise any carpet?
In general we can customise any carpet to any shape and to a smaller size.
How can I know the code of the original carpet?
Get in touch with us and we can send you the original code.